Monday, August 8, 2011

What type of paper do I use?

Through trial and error, I have done a lot of research into the best paper to use for pen and ink. I have tried a selection of illustration paper and boards, and different kinds of bond papers in differing weights, always white.
At present, my paper preference is a smooth 108 lb acid-free paper. It is made by Borden & Riley and is their #234 PARIS BLEED PROOF paper for pens.

This paper takes ink very well but I can’t  find it locally, so I order from It comes in a variety of sizes, including rolls. I don’t use the rolls because my art work is not large enough.

When I started adding a little color to some of my work, I was a bit concerned about how the paper was going to take it. So far it has done very well.
I would suggest that you experiment with paper selections. It could be that you find something better for your type of drawing. 

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